Research School

You can register for the Research School only if the abstract that you submitted for the Research School is accepted. Please do not register if you did not submit an abstract for the Research School. 

Abstracts submitted for the main conference do not count for the Research School. 

The two-day Research School Writing Data and Written Corpora in Their Multiple Forms will precede the SIG Writing 2024 conference in Paris, France. We invite PhD researchers and other early career researchers to apply. The Research School provides an interactive environment where approaches to researching writing, and the advantages and challenges of integrating them will be discussed. You will be offered a unique opportunity to learn about the latest ideas and methods in writing research, to participate in thematic workshops, and discuss your project with writing research experts—all in an authentic Parisian setting.

Arrival: Sunday, 23 June 2024, between 15:00 and 18:00

Departure: Tuesday, 25 June 2024, late afternoon

Location: Paris, with the possibility to attend via a low-cost online alternative. The budget online version will offer a window into the Research School, rather than a genuine and memorable experience. Some aspects of the Research School will remain sub-optimal via the online alternative.

Hybrid Format

After considering a number of options, we have decided to provide low-budget online attendance options to both the Research School and the SIG Writing 2024 conferences. Although we realize the online alternative is not the enriching and dynamic equivalent of the in-person option, it will ensure inclusivity and allow those who cannot travel to Paris to join us. 

Every session will have an online breakout room and a host in Paris who will ensure the functionality of the session and sort any issues should they arise.

The non-equivalent online version may mean that some sessions will be unavailable online, and that groups for discussions will be separate for those attending online and those attending in Paris. Online participants will be able to access the event via a video conferencing platform and ask questions via the online chat.