Call for Conference Proposals

Call for the Sig Writting Conference

The aim of the conference is to promote interaction among researchers who are interested in understanding the cognitive, social, and developmental processes involved in writing, who are concerned with designing writing instruction in various educational settings, or who are engaged with exploring the functions of writing in different social and institutional contexts. The scope of the conference is broad, and we hope to draw together a wide range of researchers and professionals.

The conference theme for SIG Writing 2024 is ways2write \(w2w)/. Writing is a ubiquitous social and professional practice in most parts of the world. It takes on diverse, increasingly mixed and heterogeneous forms, manifests itself over ever wider spans of life and activity, exploits more and more media and technologies, and is increasingly fluid. The source and its individual and collective characteristics (age, cognitive abilities, human/non-human…), the medium, the context and the production objectives, time and space—all give rise to a diversity of writings and ways of writing, raising numerous questions in an interdisciplinary field. While the conference traditionally hosts a diversity of topics and approaches, proposals within the ways2write \(w2w)/ theme are particularly welcome.


The abstract of 250-350 words (including any references) should include the following:

  • Research topic / aim
  • Theoretical framework / area of investigation
  • Methodological design
  • (Expected) conclusions / findings
  • Relevance to domain of writing and other forms of text production
  • Four keywords

No extended summary is needed.

Paper presentations will last 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion. They will be scheduled in 90-minute sessions of three papers.

Please plan your presentation to allow enough time for questions. We suggest that you end your presentation with a couple of potential questions in order to stimulate discussion after your presentation. 


Symposia consist of one 90-minute session organized by the submitters.

Symposia include a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 papers, a named chair and a named discussant, who will offer a critique of the symposium and its papers.

At least 3 countries need to be represented in a symposium.

A symposium is submitted as a single submission that includes a description of the symposium (250-350 words) and the abstracts for all the papers to be presented as part of the symposium (250-350-word abstract per paper).

No extended summary is needed.

Two weeks prior to the conference, the organizer needs to provide the discussant with the presentations included in the symposium.

It is possible to link two or more symposia together. Indicate in the title of each of the linked symposia the order in which they should be presented. When possible, the parts will be allocated in non-parallel time slots in the order suggested by the proposers.


The abstract should be 250-350 words (including any references).

No extended summary is needed.

The research poster is a popular method of presenting research findings succinctly through a combination of text and graphics. Research posters must be printed in the A0 portrait format, i.e., 1189 mm (height) x 841 mm (width).

The Poster Exhibition Area will be open for the entire conference. Your poster will be displayed from the morning of June 26 through to the afternoon of June 28. 

All poster authors will present in a poster session where they should be prepared to explain and answer questions about their research to those attending the Poster Exhibition.


Roundtables are organized for researchers who wish to focus on a specific topic, theoretical or methodological issue, and discuss and debate the topic for 45 minutes.

The organizer of a roundtable submits a proposal with a plan for the roundtable that includes the title for the roundtable and an abstract of 250-350 words (including any references), in which the topic and objective of the roundtable is stated.

Demonstration Session

The proposal consists of an abstract of 250-350 words (including references) presenting a tool or method, its novelty and applicability.

Authors will present a live demonstration using their own laptop and other necessary equipment and/or devices. Software simulations or videos can also be used during the demonstration session. 

Each demonstration session will last for 20 minutes and will run in parallel with other demonstrations.

Submission Guidelines

  • ll proposals must be written in English and submitted using the online submission system before November 17, 2023:
  • Presentation formats are Paper, Symposium, Poster, Roundtable, and Demonstration Session (description above).
  • PhD students and early career researchers are invited to submit to and participate in the pre-conference Research School. See the Research School page for information about the research school and the Research School Call page to submit proposals for the research school.

All proposals are blind reviewed by two reviewers to ensure high quality and relevance for the conference.

The reviewers evaluate the proposals for relevance, originality, clarity, and breadth.

The reviewers evaluate symposia for their cohesion and relevance, and each included paper for quality.